This form is to be used by State Governments and Union Territories employees. Form to be filled legibly in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK INK only. Details Marked with (*) are the mandatory fields. Each box, wherever provided, should contain only one character (alphabet/number/punctuation mark) leaving a blank box after each word. 'Individual' Subscriber should affix a recent colour photograph (size 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm) in the space provided on the form. The photograph should not be stapled or clipped to the form. (The clarity of image on PRAN card will depend on the quality and clarity of photograph affixed on the form.) Signature /Left thumb impression should only be within the box provided in the form. The signature should not be on the photograph. If there is any mark on the photograph such that it hinders the clear visibility of the face of the Subscriber, the application will not be accepted. Thumb impression, if used, should be attested by a Magistrate or a Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer under official seal and stamp.