DSC 2008 results in the fourth week of June and finalize the selection list by the fourth week of July. Candidates can submit their objections on errors in question papers till June 9. Govt. release the final key on June 12 after scrutinizing the complaints. The department has prepared 74 sets of question papers for 19 categories of posts. The papers had a total of 14,800 questions of which 73 errors have been identified. There were no errors in question papers pertaining to secondary grade teacher (Telugu Medium) posts for which 2.61 lakh candidates appeared. For other posts, all candidates will be awarded half-mark in lieu of errors whether they attempted the questions or not. The complaints & objections will be received online through the website www.aponline.gov.in. Of the total 5,90,996 candidates registered for the exams, 5,37,501 have appeared for over 52,000 teacher posts on offer.

on June 5, 2009

1 Responses to DSC-2008(2009) INITIAL KEYS AVAILABLE NOW

  1. PARAMATMA Says:
  2. Respected sir,
    I really thanking you very very much for your untired effort not only to the teachers community but also for the unemployed youth....



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